How about; 'positive' and 'negative' aren't necessarily black and white, in either a dog's mind or in Life in general? Maybe individual, momentary methods and courses of action ('choices') only really make sense within a much larger context? How much do instinct ('intuition') and personality ('presence'/'aura'/'having a certain 'way'') play an essential part in effective and successful management of animals, as much as- if not more than- science, technique, and 'applied theory' (whatever THAT MEANS! LOL)? To a social predator which lives in a hierarchical group, having a strong, capable leader is positive- even if 'correction' or momentary punishment, and waiting hungrily for the leftovers, are part of that. The kind of human 'owners' who feed their dog to obesity might see each food treat as positive, and no doubt the dog does, too- but what kind of impact does that behaviour and attitude have on a species we domesticated for it's incredible FUNCTION? What kind of 'loving' relationship can people have with ruthless, beautiful Nature, when removing and dulling down millions of years of evolving to find, chase, catch and kill seems to be the central aim of a certain kind of 'canine movement'? Do 'positive' and 'negative' really have such clear cut and USEFUL meanings? Answers in the mail, and the winner will receive a lifetime's supply of good wishes from me, and anyone else who wishes to join the party...
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