Wednesday, 20 September 2017

do you mind if I suggest something?
Of course not! LOL
try not shouting comands at her but rather have a conversation with her. "Speak cues" , give it a go man, she'll do stuff quicker and with less conflict. Hope you dont mind that observation
this vid is awesome by the way
I appreciate that. Trust me, we have all kinds of communication going, and a whole range of control levels, from completely free and loose, to what you saw in the video. Certain things (like the recall) have to be solid even with great distraction (like squirrels and other dogs), and for this only yelling works. That's the baseline for that kind of thing. We only spend a few minutes on that kind of obedience a day, or not even every day. The more open, looser, everyday stuff is our bread and butter.
Bearing in mind that when I call her back, she's usually either rooting around in some bushes, or off to play with a group of dogs or go down a path (at distance) that I'm not following etc.
Honestly, we have lots of fun and we communicate on many levels. A certain type of obedience I do in a military style, and it works for me (not saying there might not be better ways! 😛 LOL). Rest assured, I'm not barking orders at her every minute of her waking life. It's usually whistles, clapping my hands, making kissing sounds with my lips, just saying her name or using hand siganls and glances. Hand signals and glances play a massive part in my repetoire, especially when dogs (like Molly is) are smart and responsive...
But I'm yet to get a sharp recall with neat front presentation from a dog that's sniffing fast food litter or running straight to jump in the lake with just hand signals and glances! LOL The drill sergeant routine is the only one I've got to work.
I'll take on board what you said, and see when and where I can follow your suggestions (I'll get Sharon to film a normal walk through the park and woods, etc. too). 🙂

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